Italk Sprachschule in Zürich

telc Certificates

Choose the date you want to take your exam. Prepare for your telc exam with us. Success guaranteed or your money back.

fide Exam

You can take the fide exam Monday to Saturday. Do you need to pass your exam? Learn with us how to obtain a pass mark.

Healthcare Professionals

Are you a Health Care Professional? We can help you with your communication skills either for work purposes or to obtain your language certificate.

German & English language courses in Zürich

We offer language courses every day or 2 times a week. You can attend in person or online. We will send you a video of the lesson if you are absent.

SVEB AdA FA-M1 Certificate module 1

Be recognised as a holder of the SVEB Certificate Module 1 and improve your chances of getting a better job. You can pay in instalments

Learning material for all German levels

In this section you will find videos, exercises and grammar topics to help you improve the knowledge you have acquired in your German classes.

Organisations we work with

Free German Resources

Italk Sprachschule has created a wealth of material to help you learn or improve your German and it’s all completely free.

Language School Zurich

Our Mission

“We connect people and create new perspectives through education. We advance your goals – personally, professionally, and beyond – with high-quality educational options, flexible courses and exam offerings, a supportive learning environment, and innovative methods.”

January 2025

language classes

Try a FREE class

Try a German lesson free of charge.

Multiple courses with qualified teachers.

language classes

Try a FREE class

Try a German lesson free of charge.

Multiple courses with qualified teachers.