telc Certificates
FAQ: telc Certificate exams – Dates, Registration, Results

Find answers to common questions about telc certificates at Italk Sprachschule.

Can I choose the date that I want to take my telc exam?

Yes, you can choose the day that suits you best from Monday to Friday.

Can I choose the time of the exam?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose the time of the exam. We have to organise your exam according to the availability of the examiners. We also need to have rooms available.

How far in advance must I register for the telc exam?

It is telc’s policy that candidates should register at least 2 weeks before the exam date. e.g. If you want to take the exam on 15 January, you must register by 1 January at the latest.

Can I change my exam date?

Once you have registered with telc, you cannot change the date or the time.
Please make sure that you can take the exam on the date you have chosen. You will lose 100% of the fees you have paid if you do not appear for the exam.

Can I change the date if I am ill on the day of the telc exam?

Italk Sprachschule cannot change the date of your exam in the unfortunate event that you are ill on that day.

• We do not accept medical certificates.
• We will not change the date if you are ill.
• You will lose 100% of the fees paid if you do not attend the exam.

Is there an exception to this rule where I can change the date of my telc exam?

Unfortunately, once you have registered with telc, it is not possible to make any changes. telc charges Italk Sprachschule their fees because there are several steps in the organisation process. It may look easy for you to change a date, but telc and Italk have done a lot of work with hidden costs that you may not be aware of.

Where can I see the cancellation policy for the exams?

Before you can make a payment to register for a telc exam, you must agree to our terms and conditions. Your payment will not be accepted if you do not agree:

• You cannot change the date under any circumstances or the time.
• You will not be refunded if you do not come to the exam and you will lose 100% of your payment.

How long will it take to receive my telc exam results?

Your telc examination paper will be sent to telc in Bad Homburg, Germany, for correction. Usually, it takes 4 weeks for the certificate to arrive in Zurich. However, telc sometimes takes longer to send the results back to Italk Sprachschule. telc is a large organisation and we cannot force them to change the way they work. We cannot tell telc to correct the certificates faster because our students want their results.

Delays are possible, your results could be ready in 4, 6 or even 8 weeks. We cannot promise you the exact date your certificate will arrive.

Who will tell me when my certificate is ready?

Italk Sprachschule will contact you by email and by phone. We will send you a copy of your certificate in the email.

Where can I collect my certificate?

Once we have informed you that we have received it, you can collect it from the school:

Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Can someone else collect it for me?

You must collect it in person and sign for it.

Can the certificate be sent to me by post?

Yes, we can send it to you by post. The fee you will have to pay is CHF 30. We will send it by registered mail, but if the Swiss Post Office loses your certificate, you will have to deal with them directly.

Please check with the school if you need your certificate to be sent abroad.

How long is my telc certificate valid?

The telc certificate doesn’t expire, but please check with the institution to which you want to present it.

I have lost my certificate, can Italk help me?

Unfortunately, you will have to contact directly.

I have received my certificate but the information is wrong, e.g. name, birthday, etc. What should I do?

The information on the certificate is filled in by you. If there is an error, please contact us and we will ask telc to issue a new certificate. The fee for this is CHF 50.

Can I bring someone else with me to the exam?

Absolutely not. If you have children or a baby, please make arrangements for childcare.

What should I bring to the test?

You must bring a photo ID.
Water is allowed, but the bottle should be clear.

I need special conditions for my exam, what can I expect?

We need to contact telc at least 2 months in advance. Then telc must authorise us to conduct the type of exam you need.

We need:

A medical certificate in German not older than one year.

What is the structure of the test?

The telc exam is divided in 4 parts for all levels: Oral, listening, writing and reading. Check our Q&A to know more about your level.

What do I need to be able to demonstrate in this exam?

In order to pass your telc exam, you need to know the entire level at which you wish to take the exam, e.g. if you wish to take the telc German B1 exam, you need to know the entire level. Otherwise, you are likely to fail.

What is the difference between a digital test and a paper-based test?

The content is the same. However, the paper-based test is on paper. The results arrive in about 4 weeks, but delays are possible as they are sent to telc in Germany and the certificate is sent back to Zurich. During busy periods such as summer time and Christmas, it is more likely to take longer than expected.

The digital test is also done on a computer in the school. It usually takes 2 weeks for the results to come back. However, we cannot promise the exact time your result will be ready.

Can Italk Sprachschule tell me which level I should take?

Italk Sprachschule cannot tell you which level you need to take. Every case is different and you should ask the institution, e.g. the Immigration Office, what level they want to see on your certificate.

What happens if I don’t agree with the results telc gives me?

telc will correct the exams and give you a score. We cannot change telc’s decision, but you can contact telc directly at

What is the minimum age for a telc certificate?

telc recommends that candidates be at least 18 years old. Younger candidates can take the telc Schule Certificate.

A2 and B1 school examinations:

How old can my child be to take the Schule Certificate?

From the age of 12.

A1 and A2 levels:

Can I only take the oral or the written exam?

telc doesn’t allow you to take only one part of the exam. You must take the whole exam.

Levels B1 and B2

Can I do only the oral or only the written part?

Yes, you can. You must send us a copy of your certificate showing that you passed the oral or written exam at least one year before you want to retake the exam. For example, if you passed the oral exam on 1 January 2024, you can retake the written part up to 31.12.2024.

C1 and C1 Hochschule levels

What is the difference between C1 and C1 Hochschule?

Both certificates are similar. However, there are some universities that will ask you to take the C1 Hochschule certificate.

Please always check with the institution to see which certificate you need.

Can I do only the oral exam or only the written exam?

Yes, you can. You must send us a copy of your certificate showing that you passed the oral or written exam at least one year before you want to retake the exam. For example, if you passed the oral exam on 1 January 2024, you can retake the written part up to 31.12.2024.

B1-B2 Healthcare professionals

Can I do only the oral or only the written part?

Yes, you can. You must send us a copy of your certificate showing that you passed the oral or written exam at least one year before you want to retake the exam. For example, if you passed the oral exam on 1 January 2024, you can retake the written part up to 31.12.2024.

What level will I receive when I take the Deutsch B1-B2 Healthcare Professionals exam?

You will receive a certificate either B1 Pflege or B2 Pflege.  Click here for more information.

B2-C1 Medicine

What level will I receive when I take the Deutsch B2-C1 Medicine exam?

Your certificate will be either B2 Medicine or C1 Medicine. For more information click here.

Do you have more questions?

Please contact us.